Dirigo Investigations Continues Client Budget Guarantee

Did you know that Dirigo Investigations and Security has a guarantee never to exceed a Client\’s stated budget? That is correct!

Dirigo Investigations puts the Client in control of investigation costs by guaranteeing never to exceed the maximum case budget that the Client states in their signed contract. If investigation costs begin to approach the maximum budget stated by the Client, Dirigo representatives contact the Client to determine if the case should continue. Before Dirigo proceeds with additional investigation efforts and billable hours, the Client must expressly approve by signing an ammended contract. This express authorization is an excellent tool to keep investigation costs within a Client\’s budget.

The approach of \”keeping the Client in control\” of costs is a way to avoid unexpected investigations costs. We never want our Clients to get a surprise bill. Dirigo recognizes that Client case management is an important component to the investigation process.


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