Maine Licensed Private Investigators Association Announces 2017 Training


The MLPIA ( annual training workshop will be held this year on Friday September 15, 2017 at the Italian Heritage Center in Portland. This year\’s presenter will be Cynthia Hetherington of the Hetherington Group – see (

The training topics will be Open Source (OSINT) and Social Media investigation. Cynthia is one of the nation\’s leaders in this topic area and we expect a great presentation.

The Italian Heritage Center will be providing a very nice lunch buffet; afternoon and morning breaks will also be provided. It should be a great venue for our workshop. (

We will have registration and pricing details sent out as soon as we can put it together. There will be a discounted rate for MLPIA members as well as some early bird sign up specials. We are going to invite the law enforcement community and the members of several other professional organizations as well.

Remember to save the date – Friday September 15, 2017 and look for details to follow soon.


Tom Santaguida, Director of Dirigo Investigations, LLC is the 2017 President of the Maine Licensed Private Investigator\’s Association. Tom may be reached at (207) 373-9317 or by e-mail tom@


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