Dirigo Investigations & Security Announces Upgraded Website

With added features and functionality, Dirigo’s new website increases efficiency for users and allows new and existing Clients to obtain far more information than before.

One newly added feature includes a Case Assignment button option. Clients may now assign a case by clicking on the Case Assignment button and entering the information pertaining to their case in the relevant fields. The form shows the Client how far they are from completion. Once the form is submitted, it is reviewed by a Dirigo staff member. The receipt of the case assignment is then acknowledged by Dirigo. It is that simple. This function was included after some of our busy Clients whom are Insurance Adjusters requested a streamlined and systematic method to assign a case without waiting to speak to a Dirigo staff member.

Retainer payments and payments on account balances may also be made using major credit cards and electronic funds transfers. Using the secure on-line payment administrator PayPal, Clients may pay their retainer or make payments on their account in a secure manner, anytime and anywhere. If a Client does not have a PayPal account the system permits payments to be made as a “guest user.” Tom Santaguida, Managing Partner at Dirigo Investigations said “Many Clients are anxious to have efforts begin on their investigation. It can be frustrating to have to wait for a retainer to arrive by mail before the first investigation efforts are made. Dirigo recognized this and by adding the payment page to our website; a Client can log in, pay their retainer and the investigation begins as soon as an available Investigator is assigned. We added this feature to our website to make it easier for our Clients to do business with us.”

The new website was upgraded by the Maine based PatraCompany. Dirigo selected PatraCompany based upon strong recommendations made by business associates. The recommendations proved true for Dirigo’s owners who found The PatraCompany staff not only highly responsive from a customer service perspective but also to be very knowledgeable in the areas of technology, design, and marketing and web functionality.

Dirigo is proud of its enhanced image and functionality through the new website. Comments and recommendations by Clients and Investigators who use the website are encouraged.

For more information contact: Dirigo Investigations and Security, LLC. 1-888-889-1588 or info@dirigois.com or visit us on the web at www.dirigois.com


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