Dirigo Investigations Works with Clients to Meet Client Needs First

Company Contact: Tom Santaguida, Managing Partner (207) 373-9317

Dirigo Investigations receives many inquiries from potential Clients regarding professional investigation services. Dirigo conducts just about all types of investigations, and we do that well. Many times, people who call us for information do not know where to begin looking for investigation services and are not familiar with the services and products professional private investigators deliver.

Managing Partner Tom Santaguida explains, \”At Dirigo, we do not try to talk people into using us. Certainly we want more business. However, to meet our internal policy objectives and comply with our own guiding principles, we let ethics guide our discussions with potential Clients. First, after understanding what they are requesting, we explain our company capabilities and services – we discuss how an investigation may be carried out. Next, we discuss rates – how to save money for the Client – sometimes even referring them to another investigations firm that is closer to the case location. Finally, we explain our Client based case budget management guarantee. This system of case budgeting allows our Clients to set their case budget and we guarantee we never exceed that without their authorization. If we do, then we pay, not the Client.\”

Dirigo Investigations continues to grow and expand in the slow economy; and in the opinions of both Managing Partners – Tom Santaguida and Christl Theriault – this is due to the excellent services provided, the great Investigator Team Dirigo has and the professional and thoughtful treatment of potential and existing Clients.

Please feel free to contact the Managing Partners for further information.


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