Maine Comp Summit 2013 – Dirigo Investigations has had a busy summer. In August company representatives attended the Maine Comp Summit at the Samoset Resort in Rockport. The event was well attended, and it was great to connect with professional associates, Clients and potential new Clients. Congratulations to Attorney Lindsey Sands of Norman, Hanson and DeTroy, who won the Starbucks gift card at our table drawing! We are already looking forward to next year\’s summit.
Maine State Bar Association, Legal Year in Review – Dirigo Investigations is proud to be a professional corporate sponsor of the MSBA. This year we again plan on attending the great end of the year event at the Augusta Civic Center – Legal Year in Review. Please stop by our table to visit and see if we can assist you with any professional investigation services.
Investigations Near and Far – 2013 has brought Dirigo Investigations all over the State of Maine and all over the world. WE have covered every county in Maine investigating every type of cases imaginable. WE have also handled assignments in Argentina, Portugal, South Africa and Colorado in 2013.
Dirigo to Refocus on Investigation Services – 2013 presented the firm with many challenges of all kinds. Dirigo management has made a decision that moving forward, our service delivery will focus on our investigation services. While we will continue to selectively provide security services, we are going to place more emphasis and focus on investigation services.
Enhanced Equipment and Technology – We have committed to procurement of advanced video technology and investigation equipment for 2o14 to enhance our surveillance operations. We look forward to implementation to provide even better results.
Commitment to Our Clients and To Results – We are absolutely committed to remaining Client focused and results oriented.
Contact: Thomas Santaguida, President/Senior Investigator (207) 373-9317
About the author: Thomas Santaguida is the co-founder and President/Senior Investigator at Dirigo Investigations. Prior to private sector investigations, he spent 20 years as a state law enforcement officer, the last 10 as deputy chief and chief. He has conducted more than 3,000 criminal, civil and private sector investigations during his career. Tom is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and the Maine Licensed Private Investigator\’s Association. Tom may be reached at: